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Boys & Girls Club Programs provide young people with positive relationships with caring adult professionals and fun, age appropriate activities. These programs instill a sense of belonging, usefulness, influence and competence. These attributes are the framework for our youth development programs. They provide young people with the knowledge, skills and confidence to pursue their dreams and succeed in life.

Core Area Programs


Character and Leadership Development empowers youth to support and influence their Club and community, sustain meaningful relationships with others, develop a positive self-image and good character, participate in the democratic process, and respect their own and others cultures.

Education and Career Development enable youth to become proficient in educational disciplines, set goals, explore careers, prepare for employment and embrace technology to achieve success in a career.

Health and Life Skills  – develop young people’s capacity to engage in positive behaviors that nurture their own well-being, set personal goals and live successfully as self-sufficient, healthy adults.

The Artsenable youth to develop their creativity and cultural awareness through knowledge and appreciation of the visual arts, crafts, performing arts and creative writing.

Sports, Fitness and Recreationdevelop fitness, positive use of leisure time, skill for stress management, appreciation for the environment and social skills.